Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Goodbye Desperado

This is the last post of Desperado, and it was a hard decision to make but I guess mice don't live long, even on the internet.

I think the last post really made it clear to me that this was the end. Desperado was supposed to be the voice of silliness, adventure, fun and poetry, at least I was at the beginning. It didn't turn out that way though. I was intended as a mask to hide behind, and there was meant to be freedom in writing behind a mouse, but it stopped happening. It has become restrictive, and that's why I'm struggling to write new posts.

I represented a sometimes fun but mostly stressful part of some girl's life. Now her life has changed, and the things she can write about are probably not appropriate for a male mouse to be saying. That being said, the things she also DID write about were also probably not appropriate.

Things have changed and she is going into a new part of her life... new house, new commitments, and the leaving behind of bad experiences. It's seems like a good time to live Desperado behind as well.

It's been fun.

The real Desperado can now be viewed here.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mental blank

Last night I wanted to post something. So I sat here, staring at the screen, waiting for some inspiration... and of course nothing happened. I couldn't think of anything to type. And I decided that posting for the sake of posting wasn't a good reason to post.

I think my motive for posting something could be that several people I know update frequently, even just with little things, and I quite like checking their stuff (whereas other people I know NEVER seem to update, and this makes me sad 'cos I want to read their posts!!!)

So, stupidly enough, I'm posting about a lack of things to post about. I seriously can't think of anything. Should I post about life events? Not much happening there. My walk with God? It doesn't feel right to share that right now. People in my life? My emotions? My problems? My joys? My opinions? The terrible dreams I have been having?

I can't. Lately I have spent 8 hours a day, 5 days a week thinking and writing for uni. Then I come home and need to think and write some more for other things, and by the time I'm done there's nothing left. All I can do is brain-dead things because I need a break from thinking. I don't even feel like drawing or taking photos anymore.

This is unacceptable. I want my creative mind back.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

News updates

Yeah, stuff has been happening. I feel like I need to do a decent post, but I can't think of anything to write so here is some filler until then.

- I went home for a week (I was advised to have 3 months off by the postgrad coordinator... I'm struggling to find time to take a week off)

- I tried (and failed) to share Christ with my family. It didn't help that every serious conversation I had with my Mum revolved around how skinny/sick I am and how I need to fix this (she was preoccupied with my health). I will keep praying for them.

- I feel homesick. I really didn't want to come back to Melbourne.

- We are moving soon. Something to do with demolition people and us being poor. Yay! Hopefully I can start saving some money again.

- I eat like a horse. This is a good thing. I really cannot lose any more weight without ending up in hospital.

- Daniel's diet looks awesome compared to what I'm now living on. No lactose (goodbye precious cheese), no onion or spring onion, reduced spices, reduced garlic, no high fructose (including apples, mangoes and other fruits), reduced sugar, no food containing yeast or fungus (bread, vegemite and friends and mushrooms), no fermented food (this includes alcohol, vinegar etc), no soy or products containing soy (including chocolate), reduced refined carbs, no peanuts, etc etc IT IS SO SAD! WHAT IS THERE LEFT FOR ME TO EAT EXCEPT LETTUCE?

- 20 scarves!?!!? Why was I so ambitious? Argh.

- Oh and err... more happily this happened:

... hee =D

Only I'm too shy to tell people. Almost makes me wish I had facebook.

Anyway, yay I posted.

Au revoir

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Uneasy sleep

I've just returned from a short holiday where I went back to my family. While I was there I went through some boxes of my old stuff. I threw out a few things that I know are displeasing to God. I also packed a box of items with things I no longer wanted. I left this box near the bed and forgot about it.

That night I read from my bible before sleeping. I fell asleep with my bible and my phone next to me on the bed (the bed is a double). The next morning a text message sent to my phone woke me from a strange dream. I reached for the phone and couldn't find it. Sitting up, I was shocked to discover the my phone and bible were hidden...

... by stuff from the box of unwanted items...

... that were most definitely not on my bed when I went to sleep.

Someone had gone through the box and placed a few things on the bed while I was sleeping.

How did they get there? My family had no idea when I asked them. And I most certainly didn't do it while awake. Did I do it in my sleep? Normally if I do stuff in my sleep (such as getting out of bed because I think the roof is caving in) I wake myself up. I'm pretty sure I would have woken myself going through the stuff, if only because the room is crowded so I would have bumped into things. And I probably would have made a mess doing it.

This is weird. I don't like it.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

When authorities clash. Issues with submission.

Do not give money to beggars. They are a public safety risk.

Do not give money to beggars. They are a public safety risk.

Do not give money to beggars. They are a public safety risk.

This message was broadcast over the loudspeakers at Melbourne Central the other day, and I was horrified. What does this say about our society when we can't even give money to beggars?

I wasn't happy because giving to the poor is something my God commanded me to do, and it's something I enjoy doing as well. Arguments against it are, "Yeah, but they'll just spend it on drugs." God never told us to judge whether or not we should give based on what they were probably going to do with that gift. He quite simply told us to give.

If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. Deuteronomy 15:7,11

He who despises his neighbor sins,but blessed is he who is kind to the needy. Proverbs 14:21

If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:17-18

These are just a few of the many, many verses about giving to the needy in the bible. The verses on giving cover a number of things, such as the blessings that come with giving, the fact that if you listen to those who cry out in need God in turn will listen to you, and that it is sinful to ignore the cries of the needy. Not once in the Bible does it say, "Give to the needy unless you know they're going to abuse what you give to them" or "Only give to people who don't look like they could be a public danger". We were called to give, not judge then give.

So in my heart I decided that I would give to beggars if they approached me at the station, in obedience to what Jesus commanded. And then later I realised that to do this while knowing my actions went against the authorities at the station was as much as sin to God as ignoring the poor was.

What to do? What to do?

I cannot compromise on God's Word. Therefore, I must submit to authorities unless they contradict God. In this case the authorities went against God's commands, so I feel quite justified in still giving to the poor. And yet I don't want to rebel either. Is there a way to obey God in both without compromising either of God's commands?

Solution? The thing is, giving doesn't necessarily have to be a monetary gift. I can still give, in obedience to God and love to others, while submitting to the authorities God has placed in my life.

So next time, rather than give a beggar money, maybe I'll buy them a cheeseburger =)

Monday, August 2, 2010

There were so many things I could have called this post

Such as You've got your dumb friends, I know what they say or You come over unannounced, dressed up like you're something else or Fall back, take a look at me, And you'll see I'm for real.

Detecting a theme? Let me help you out a bit more.

He was a skater boy, She said, 'See you later boy'

Hopefully now you get it. Well anyway, on Sunday a friend came and told me this:

"Hey, this new girl in my life group, she goes to "insert university here". She said you look like an Avril Lavigne wannabe."

We laughed about it, I pretended to be offended, and I was admittedly a little bit freaked out that some person I didn't even know was making comments like this about me.

Nineteen hours later, when I'm grieving over my hair, it all comes back to me. I was thinking:




And then I thought, "Well, that's kind of cool. Someone I don't even know thinks I look like Avril. And there's worse things I could be likened to. Atleast she's pretty. Wow, some girl must think I'm pretty."

And then it all came crashing down with the realisation:

"Hey! She doesn't think I look like Avril. She thinks I look like I want to look like Avril. She thinks I'm a wannabe =( "

And I was destroyed. Let's face it. Wannabes are not the real thing, and often they look bad (Elvis impersonators come to mind).

On a happier note, a Special Hen gave me a cd. This is one of my favourite songs on it:

Yay! Oh, and for the record, I don't want to be Avril Lavigne. I am a Jesus wannabe (yes, and probably even more of a failure and more hideous than some Elvis wannabes out there).

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Losing focus

For the second time in probably a month I have posted something, only to take it down. The first time the post was only up for less than an hour. The second lasted several hours. The reason I took them down is quite simply this:

I want to glorify my God with my life.

But little things, whether they be my own selfish ambitions and desires, sins in my life, especially trying to please others and my poor attitudes, distractions, fixating on the "storms", worries, anxieties, fears, continually stand in the way.

They make me forget what I want. They make me push aside what I want. They demean what I want. I start wanting other things more.

The two posts I have taken down, if you were unfortunate enough to read them, highlighted this. I have been a very jealous, angry and frustrated person inside, and I was expressing that through both posts. In one I tried to explain my feelings and how God lead me to believe I was wrong. In the other I tried to justify my feelings and behaviours by pointing out ways I was fed up with being treated by different people.

In both cases all I was really doing was showing my inability to glorify God in these situations. It doesn't matter how right I think I might be. God is always right. He is always good. And my behaviours and attitudes, even the writing of those posts, was not justified. It doesn't matter what situations I have recently been through. My response was wrong, and the one I wronged most was God. And I lost focus of what I really want, to glorify God, in my need to express my hurts and vindicate myself.

God, I'm really sorry. Help me keep my attitude in check.

And anyone who read my posts, I'm also really sorry. I will be more responsible.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


For those who visit there are new things on my sidebar that need some explanation. Sam who knits hats for the poor has inspired me to do more for the poor than just donate my funds. So I've decided to knit scarves for the poor. My plan is to have 20 scarves knitted by winter next year. So far I have one.

Some people may say that 20 isn't very many.

I say, "Have you seen how bad/slow/demented I am at knitting? Seriously, I suck. Twenty is quite ambitious of me."

So on the sidebar there is a countdown of how long until the scarves are due. There is also a counter of how many scarves I've knitted. It has a chick on it, in reference to the person I like *grin*

Anyways, that's it for now folks.

Friday, June 4, 2010

How do you know if something is funny?

Someone will cough up a lot of phlegm.

Monday, May 31, 2010

It's a special day tomorrow!

And why?

It's someone's birthday!

So today is a testimony post, where I act really cheesy and say nice stuff about how God has blessed my life with her. Let's be honest. He has.

It's funny how things turn out. Even though people at church label us as Token Whites and assume we're the same person, we're actually very different. As in completely different. As in totally different temperaments (fiery vs deceased, impulsive vs cautious), totally different interests (babies vs puppies), and totally different ambitions (babies vs... I nearly wrote career, but then choked at the thought and passed out for a few moments. Career? Yuk!). For some reason we get on really well.

Anyway, here are some of the ways Sam has been a blessing to me over the last year:

a. She gives really good advice. The advice she gives is usually the same as that given to me by leaders in the church. And the times I haven't followed her advice I usually end up doing something I regret. Such as when this happened, and I followed pressure as opposed to Sam's reasoning.

b. She is someone I am accountable to, and a big reason for this is because I trust her, and she trusts me (at least she seems to...). Anyway, what that means is I don't feel condemned by her, which makes it easy to be accountable to her in anything. Except maybe that time when I took those easter eggs...

c. She keeps giving me books. These range from Christian books she enjoyed, to Biggles books she gets for me off the internets. Biggles! So awesome! I want to be a Spitfire pilot!

d. We both have food issues. While this means we can't eat the same things, it also means we have someone to sympathise with.

e. She is my concordance. I cannot remember, no matter how hard I try, where specific verses or events are in the bible. This is painful, especially when trying to write a lesson. Sam has saved me many times. All I have to do is say, "Hey Sam... do you know that verse on faith and..." "Hebrews 11," is her reply.

She kills cockroaches. This is important. Heroes aren't always around.

g. She has rescued me from unwanted attentions. And I believe she will always come out fighting for the things she believes in!

There are many more things I could say, but I will only share two more. Sam is awesome because she accepts me for who I am. I can turn to her when I'm at my ugliest and lowest point and know she won't judge me, point out my flaws, or kick me when I'm down (she's very generous and caring). Also, we possibly bring out the worst in each other at times, which is quite fun =D

So here is a song that reminds me of Sam:

I hate to be the one to bear the bad news
Yes it is true, I've finally fell in love
I fell so hard that I'm killing myself
Yes I need out, out of this grave that I dug

And all the friends that I have gone through
And how much I deserve the pain
It's a shame

So hold your head, hold it up high
Here's to the friends that were alibis
Keep this close, by your side
When I come home we will have our night

Oh, they always told me I was gorgeous in a way
And that fateful day I found who I was
So fill this hole with my prescriptions
And just keep feeding my addictions

And all the friends that I have gone through
And how much I deserve the pain
It's a shame

So hold your head, hold it up high
Here's to the friends that were alibis
Keep this close, by your side
When I come home we will have our night
We will have our night

You were the ones that stood by my side
And I was the one that fought all of your fights

Hold your head, hold it up high
Keep this close, by your side

So, hold your head, hold it high
Here's to the friends that were alibis
Keep this close, by your side
When I come home we will have our night

(Friends and alibis- Escape the Fate)

Happy birthday Sam!

Friday, May 28, 2010

My newest entertainment

There's this cool little button, at the top of the blog, that says, "Next blog". So you click it and it takes you to someone else's blog. It's really fun! I'm serious. And it seems to pick the next blog based on common tags with the blog you're currently on. Here are some cool things I have noticed:

a. Clicking "Next blog" from my blog or Sam's usually leads to a mass of Christian family blogs (this makes sense coming from Sam's blog... but mine?). Eventually the Christian family blogs peter out into just family blogs, then to crafty blogs and then to some seemingly random blog theme (like outdoor adventures).

b. Once, the theme went from Christian family blogs (x lots), to family blogs (x many), to Spanish blogs (x 3ish) to Spanish football blogs (x 1 million... I got bored and quit long before the theme changed).

c. Both Christian and non-Christian families alike tend to have a son called Cooper.

d. Cooper usually has a brother called Jack.

e. If I have kids I will not be calling them Cooper or Jack. I'm not sure if I'll even start a blog for them (kids should make their own blogs, I say! Slackers).

f. A lot of family blogs have a countdown for when the next baby is due. This freaks me out, because the countdown looks like some alien floating in the vacuum of space. I think it's meant to be the baby. But it's not cute. Embryos are cute.

Cute embryo.

Aliens floating in the vacuum of space are... how to put this delicately... freaky (sorry Sam, I know you want one of these).

People should make a baby countdown with something cute in it, like embryos, or puppies, or maybe your husband... you know. Cute stuff. Not the Alien.

ANYWAY, it's fun to look at people's blogs. It's kind of relaxing, and it's a good substitute for actually updating your own blog. I'm off to click that favourite little button... hee!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I'm selfish, it seems

Today, for the first time in my life, I was called selfish. This was a revelation to me, because most people who know me well have told me I'm not selfish. I've been called a lot of terrible things in my life. Selfish was never one of them. I tried to console myself with the fact that this person has a warped view on life, her opinions mean nothing to me, and she only sees me from a distant, self-absorbed narrow perspective. However, it still hurt. There were a lot of things she could have gotten away with calling me, but she chose this one.

So, to confirm it I went to the ultimate trustworthy resources. And I didn't cheat. And I was crying while I did these, because that's how sincerely I want an unbiased answer.

You Are 23% Selfish

In general, you are a very giving person who treats others very well.

But at times, you insist on getting your way - when it matters most to you.

"You are 5% selfish!"

Good for you!You are a very good person. Make sure you keep that special quality about you the rest of your life.

Are you selfish?
Take More Quizzes

Your result for The Selfish Test...


You scored 39 %vanity and 84 %loyalty!

I wish you all the best in life! If everyone had a partner like you then maybe the world would be a better place. You will always consider someones feelings before your own and you're unlikely to think that you are better than another person which is a great trait to have. Being the way you are, you may not always get respected so don't allow anyone to walk all over you.

Take The Selfish Test at HelloQuizzy

Your result for The Are You Too Selfish Test...

The Pushover

You scored 13 selfishness!

Wow. You don't appear to have a selfish bone in your body. You are the type of person who is so eager to please others, that you tend to forget about your own needs. While this can be considered a good quality, it can also become your enemy as people tend to use you and walk all over you.

Take The Are You Too Selfish Test at HelloQuizzy

Your result for The how selfish are you test...

The Saint

80% selfless!

You are the pinnacle of human decency and kindness. You'd give your last dime to a complete stranger. You probably spend your spare time rescuing kittens from fires and campaigning for human rights. Congratulations! You scored the highest possible score on this test.

Take The how selfish are you test at HelloQuizzy

Okay, I think that's enough tests or else I'll become arrogant. I think I should just look at the opinions of people I actually love and trust (i.e. not the mean person). Also, I shouldn't just rely on the judgements of humans, but assess myself through the standards of Christ and God's Word (of course, this means I am selfish because I could never be as selfless as God).

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Delayed wedding photos

Sorry for not uploading sooner. I am a sick and busy thing. Here are some photos. As you can tell, I'm not very good with my camera, especially for indoor portraits. Here are a select few photos from the wedding, not chosen because of their quality but because of the people in them. Hopefully some of the nicer pics will make it to Kallie's art page.

Jocelyn the pretty.

The elegant ladies, Amy and Anna.

The bride and groom and friends, Anton and Chiann.

The devious ones. They are up to no good. You can just tell. I have nicer photos of Sam floating around. They will feature later.

My favourite. The cute little Stephen. Looking cute and smart. At a tram stop.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's over. Kind of.

Something significant happened today. Something that should have happened a long time ago. And I was in a foul mood because of several factors:
a. I have been to uni EVERY DAY for over four weeks now, including easter and weekends
b. This excludes the last 2 days because I was sick from medications and then in hospital
c. I still feel sick
d. I have a lot going on that I feel like I'm failing at
e. The person who left has kind of screwed us over several times already and was very much due to go. For someone so desperate to leave she took her sweet time
f. She proceeded to trash the carpet moving her stuff and seemed surprised that I was still expecting her to pay for cleaning
g. Her boyfriend then proceeded to talk condescendingly to me, and I was so angry that I have no idea what he said, nor do I care. I don't have a high opinion of him. And that's fine, cos I believe she looks down on my boy anyways, even though he is way more awesome =P

(and if she reads this that's too bad for her)

I am annoyed.

But anyway, due to my anger and the significant event, I listened to some Eskimo Joe and came across this song that sums up the situation pretty well.

A friend went away to another town
Where you set your watch to the sound of a pound
The first girl I loved soon followed it seemed
And when the second one went we were choosing teams
She got hers and I got mine
But somehow everybody seem to get on fine
But we were losing friends over love
Losing friends over love

When I went out just the other night
I said, "Put your hands up, cause we're gonna fight"
But who am I to act so tough
When I learn so little
And forget so much?
Now the heart will break when it hits the ground
So wake up little girl you're a woman now
But we were losing friends over love
Losing friends over love
We were losing friends over love
Losing friends over love

Alright now

Some move forward and some move back
Some buy a ticket and don't come back
How did everything go wrong?
We all just try to carry on
Some grow up and some fall down
Some buy a ticket and leave this town
How did everything go wrong?
We all just try to carry on

No one says a word but their lips are poised
But everyone's got an opinion of course
And we were losing friends over love
Losing friends over love
All the stupid things you do at night
When you been up for three days
And you're so uptight
And we where losing friends over love
Losing friends over love

She could run away to London
She could run overseas
And go round in another town
It all seems the same to me

Alright now

I'm tired of trying to being the nice mouse. I'm not nice. And it wasn't my love that lost friends.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The common factor

I have recently discovered that at all levels of the medical profession, from doctors to administrative types, there exists beings whose sole purpose is to be incompetent and to ensure you feel like a terrible person with no real medical problems.

This was something I was aware of with GPs especially, and the last seven months has been a testimony to that fact. The incompetent GP I have been seeing, for the seven+ months I've been sick, has been pretty much incompetent and unreliable. After many false promises and waxing strong about onions, he finally did the only good thing he has ever done and sent me to a good specialist (after he made up a lot of lies on my referral and excluded information that was actually important).

Today the extent of nasty incompetence was revealed to me further when I went to Medicare to get a refund. The specialist sent me for an ultrasound. It turns out he wanted to ultrasounds done. It was all fine. Unfortunately it cost a fair bit, but the receptionist printed out the receipt.

"Take this to Medicare. You will get 70% back."

So that's what I did. But rather than getting 70%, or even being treated like a human being, I got this (what it sounded like the lady actually meant I have added in italics):

Nasty lady: I can't do this. You had two ultrasounds. Did you have them on the same day?

Me: (confused) I already had them.

Nasty lady: That's what I said. But why did you have to have two? Did the doctor say you had to have two? (You didn't need two. One was enough. But you are a hyperchondriac and you are selfish, taking up time and resources like this!)

Me: (more confused) Oh err... yeah I had two.

Nasty lady: I can't give you money for both scans. If you didn't have them on the same day I could give you money for both. But you had them on the same day (another sign of your selfishness, you pig! You should have taken them on separate days, but no! You didn't want to be inconvenienced!). I can't give you a refund for both.

Me: Oh err...

Nasty lady: If you want money for both you need to go back to your doctor and get him to write out why you needed to have two scans. Either that or I can just give you money for one. (Haha, you will not be ripping off my system, white trash!)

By this time I was nearly in tears because of her accusing tone, so I just took the money offered to avoid going through this again.

What hurts isn't the fact that the government has ripped me off. What hurts is the fact that this cow (sorry for the language, but I'm angry and upset) couldn't just tell me that the government system is so stuffed up that by having two ultrasounds in the same session I wasn't going to get much money back. She had to tell me in an accusing tone, making it sound like I didn't need the two ultrasounds, and I should have had them in different sessions, but out of my selfishness and paranoia I'd done it my way anyway and thought I'd got away with it.

I wasn't the one who booked two ultrasounds. I didn't have a choice as to when I had them. I didn't know having them in the same session affected my medicare refund (and the receptionist at the Private Hospital didn't know either). Clearly the doctor must have thought it was necessary to have two otherwise he wouldn't have booked them; why did I need a written explanation from him? Did they think I'd twisted his arm and begged him to let me have two? What the...?


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Apparently I'm Australian/Italian!

Writing about memes reminded me of how much I like memes and quizzes, so I found this (taken from

Nationalities Test

[X] You drink a lot of tea.
[X] You know what a brolly is.
[ ] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life.
[ ] You wanted Ben to win X Factor.
[X] You use the word "bugger" or the phrase "bloody hell."
[X] Fish and Chips are yummy.
[X] You can eat a Full English Breakfast.
[ ] You dislike emos almost as much as you dislike chavs.
[ ] It's football.... not soccer.
Total = 5

[ ] You wear flipflops all year.
[X] You call flipflops "thongs" not flipflops.
[x] You love a backyard barbie.
[X] You know a barbie is not a doll.
[X] You love the beach.
[X] Sometimes you swear without realizing.
[ ] You're a sports fanatic.
[ ] You are tanned.
[X] You're a bit of a bogan.
[X?] You have an Australian something.
Total = 7

[ ] The Sopranos is a great show.
[ ] Your last name ends in a vowel
[X] Your grandmother makes her own sauces.
[X] You know how a real meatball tastes.
[ ] You know Italian songs.
[ ] You have dark hair and dark eye color.
[X] You speak some Italian.
[X] You are under 5'10''.
[X] Pizza/spaghetti is the best foods in the world.
[/] You talk with your hands.
Total = 6

[ ] You say 'member instead of remember.
[ ] You speak Spanish or some.
[X] You like tacos.
[ ] YoU TyPe LiKe ThIs On YoUr CoMpUtEr
[ ] You are dark skinned.
[ ] You know what a Puta is.
[ ] You talk fast occasionally.
[X] You have had highlights or have dyed your hair.
[ ] You know what platanos are.
Total = 2

[ ] You say villian as: Vee-lon.
[ ] You have more than one vodka bottle in your house.
[ ] You know the difference between channel 1 and RTVI.
[x] You know of somebody named Natasha.
[ ] You don't get cold easily.
[ ] You get into contests all the time.
[ ] You can easily make do with the cold weather.
[ ] You eat sushi more than once a week.
[ ] You love listening to techno.
Total = 1

[X] Your parents let you drink.
[ ] You know what a pizda is.
[ ] You have Pierogi at least once a week.
[ ] People always ask to see your "kielbasa" checking if your Polish.
[X] People randomly call you their best friend.
[ ] You have made/know what pisanki are.
[ ] You laughed when Poland beat the USA in the 2002 World Cup.
Total = 2

[X] You think beer is the best.
[ ] You have a bad temper
[ ] Your last name starts with a Mc, Murph, O', Fitz or ends with a y, on, un, an, in, ry, ly, y.
[X] You have blue or green eyes.
[X] You like the color green.
[ ] You have been to a St. Patty's day party.
[ ] You have a family member from Ireland.
[X] You have/had blonde hair.
[X] You have/had freckles.
Total = 5

[ ] You say nigga casually.
[ ] You have nappy hair.
[ ] You like rap.
[ ] You know how to shoot a gun.
[X] You like chicken.
[X] You like watermelon.
[ ] You can ‘sing’ gospel.
[ ] You smoke newports.
Total = 2

[ ] You have small eyes.
[X] You like rice a lot.
[ ] You are good at math.
[ ] You have played the piano.
[ ] You have family from Asia.
[X] You laugh sometimes covering your mouth.
[ ] Most people think you're Chinese.
[ ] You call hurricanes typhoons.
[ ] You go to Baulko.
Total = 2

[X] You like bread.
[ ] You think American Chocolate is good.
[ ] You speak some German.
[X] You know what Schnitzel is.
[ ] You hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi.
[X] You went to Pre-school
[X] You're under 5'4".
Total = 4

[ ] You like to ride 4 wheelers.
[X] You love beer.
[X] You say eh.
[ ] You know what poutine is
[ ] You speak some French.
[ ] You love Tim Horton's.
[X] At one point you lived in a farm house.
[ ] You watch Degrassi.
Total = 3

[X] You like french toast
[X] You love wine
[ ] You speak a little or are fluent in french
[ ] You have eaten a snail.
[ ] You like fashion.
[ ] You have been to France.
[X] You are either a Catholic, a Muslim, a Protestant or a Jew
Total = 3

[ ] You hate foreigners.
[ ] You hate non-Christians.
[X] You've been to more then 5 states (I'm counting Australian states =D)
[X] You're lazy.
[X] You are not cultured.
[x] You hate abortion
[ ] But love the death penalty.
[ ] You don't read.
[ ] You shop at walmart.
Total = 4

[ ] You know what lefse is
[ ] You can speak some Norwegian
[ ] You love trolls
[ ] You know what lutefisk is
[ ] You have been whale hunting/seeing
[ ] Food made with potatoes and flour rule
[ ] Fish and/or whale is a huge part of your diet
[X] You have blue or green eyes and have blonde or brown hair
[X] You know how to fish and have fished before
Total = 2

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Something strange!

I was just reading through past posts when I stumbled upon these answers to a meme:

7 things you can't live without:
1. God.
Okay, I'm changing the question. Here are 6 things I wouldn't like to live without, but they aren't necessary as long as I have God:
2. Music
3. Internets
4. Pens and paper
5. Pasta with cheese
6. Animals
7. My bed

It's very freaky and kind of funny how much this situation has changed. Not only am I more certain that the only thing on this list I can't live without is God, but circumstances have lead me to give up most of the others, all within a couple of months of answering the meme. Let's go through the list and see why:

2. Music
I don't listen to music as often. I don't feel the need to have it on constantly. I'm too unwell to play bass (I get tired easily so playing bass frustrates me).

3. Internets
Our internet download doesn't last as long as it used to, and this doesn't bother me as much as it initially did.

4. Pens and paper
My ill state (tiredness and possibly the anaemia) has made me less inclined towards writing.

5. Pasta with cheese
In attempts to stop my tummy from killing me I've given up a lot of foods, including cheese, and I rarely have pasta. This was my food staple. It is no more.

6. Animals
Hehe... okay, so not everything on the list is gone.

7. My bed
I still love sleeping, but a while back I kept getting insomnia from my tummy problems (it was like drinking an energy drink combined with being pregnant and needing to use the toilet every 5 mins... too much info, I know). I started sleeping on the floor 'cos it seemed to help. Since then I've grown out of love with my bed, and I now sleep on my floor. Weird, but true.


God is still my number 1 thing I can't live without =D

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My very first...

earthquake! Well, the first one I've actually felt. Happened at about 7.10. The walls, cupboards and windows rattled, and the table shook.

It was scary but exciting. And now I can hear sirens. The sirens are possibly unrelated.

Yay! Exciting!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stupid body

In the next couple of weeks my body will be undergoing a series of violations in order to find out what is wrong with it.

I hate my body. I hate it a lot. But it's still my body, and I'm not sure if I like what's about to happen to it.

I'm scared.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The storm

I love storms. They are so beautiful and daunting. Below is a clip of some lightning that I filmed (bad quality) on 1 January this year. It was lovely.

The storm that the BOM warned of today hit us. It wasn't so lovely. Honestly, it was the most terrifying storm I have ever been in, despite the fact that I was in the safety of my own home. And it didn't even have awesome lightning. It rained harder than I can ever remember and it was very windy.

There was so much water spilling from the gutters I thought the roof was going to cave in. Large hail was hammering the windows. I thought the glass would shatter. To give you an idea of how scary it was, I'm normally the type of kid that loves sitting outside to watch thunderstorms. Today I was too scared to even watch the storm from my room.

I ventured outside afterwards. It looked like it had snowed broken ice cubes.

Check it out!

The Bureau of Meteorology warns that, at 1:55 pm, very dangerous thunderstorms were detected on weather radar near Gisborne and Melton. These thunderstorms are moving towards the southeast. Very dangerous thunderstorms are forecast to affect Footscray, St Albans, Sunbury and Werribee by 2:25 pm and Caulfield, Craigieburn, Glen Waverley, Greensborough, Melbourne City and Preston by 2:55 pm.


I love the storms.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sometimes it's just like...


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hero Version 4

Sam is my Hero Version 4. If you read one of her past blog posts you will see the descriptions of Hero Version 1 (the Original Prototype), Hero Version 2 (the smaller, faster, technologically advanced model) and Hero Version 3 (the robust model for heavy duty work).

Sam is Hero Version 4, the robust but small, fast-acting, self-sacrificial model that acts with no hesitations, no fears and very little self-regard. Also she can open jars.

Here is what happened. A giant ugly hideous cockroach of doom came into my bedroom to ruin my life and complete my demise. I freaked. I tried to kill it. I failed. It ran UNDER MY BED! Whimpering like some puppy that has been beaten and nearly destroyed, I called out, "Sam, a cockroach is in my room."

Sam heard the call for a hero. With confident steps she strode into my room, lifted my bed like it was nothing, moved my bed around trying to find the evil giant thing, and then proceeded to pull my bed apart until she had found it and crushed it.

She even cleaned up afterwards.

And then she sprayed my bed with vast amounts of flyspray, even though she's allergic to it. The only contribution I made was to then spray suspect places such as the corners, window and doorway (so anything that crosses the threshold will die).

As a result of all the spray neither of us could stay near my room that night. I still haven't slept there. I need to sterilise all my belongings.

I hate cockroaches.

Friday, January 15, 2010

My song is love

I promised poems on this blog and failed to deliver, so to make up for it here is one. I cheated a little, but you can do this too!

How to play this game: Put your music player on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first twenty-one songs. Post the poem that results. The first line of the twenty-second is the title. I added punctuation to the ends of the lines.

My song is love

The empire will fall like they planned on,
Here we are searching for a sign.
Slow down.
He had a plan to kill you all along.
If you knew what I know would you try?

In my arms you lie,
On a Sunday,
Your etiquette;
The moment you opened your heart I knew.
Waiting for your call,
All of us now bent as we fall.

Stevie left on a Friday too.
Lowering the standards-
Not surprised ‘cos I always knew
You and me used to be together.
He’ll come in and sit by me.
This’ll take some explaining:

It’s all a lie!
Every time I wake up on my own
This is the last time that I will say these words:
How can you ask for forgiveness?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Pessimist's Guide to Making New Years Resolutions

Apparently I'm a pessimist (I'd rather optimistically call myself a realist), so I thought I'd share my pessimistic resolutions with the world. And here they are:


That's right. I didn't make any. Past attempts at keeping resolutions have proven fruitless, and rather depressing in their fruitlessness, so I thought I'd make it easy on myself and not have any. The way I see it, if I do anything at all this year then I am going above and beyond the goals I set for myself! =D

That, and my body feels too wrecked for me to plan on anything spectacular. I think if I grow closer to God then that alone will be sufficient for the whole year. And if I don't kill my supervisors, then that too is a great achievement.

Anyways, I feel tired so that's it for now.

Happy belated New Years everyone (anyone).