Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My very first...

earthquake! Well, the first one I've actually felt. Happened at about 7.10. The walls, cupboards and windows rattled, and the table shook.

It was scary but exciting. And now I can hear sirens. The sirens are possibly unrelated.

Yay! Exciting!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stupid body

In the next couple of weeks my body will be undergoing a series of violations in order to find out what is wrong with it.

I hate my body. I hate it a lot. But it's still my body, and I'm not sure if I like what's about to happen to it.

I'm scared.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The storm

I love storms. They are so beautiful and daunting. Below is a clip of some lightning that I filmed (bad quality) on 1 January this year. It was lovely.

The storm that the BOM warned of today hit us. It wasn't so lovely. Honestly, it was the most terrifying storm I have ever been in, despite the fact that I was in the safety of my own home. And it didn't even have awesome lightning. It rained harder than I can ever remember and it was very windy.

There was so much water spilling from the gutters I thought the roof was going to cave in. Large hail was hammering the windows. I thought the glass would shatter. To give you an idea of how scary it was, I'm normally the type of kid that loves sitting outside to watch thunderstorms. Today I was too scared to even watch the storm from my room.

I ventured outside afterwards. It looked like it had snowed broken ice cubes.

Check it out!

The Bureau of Meteorology warns that, at 1:55 pm, very dangerous thunderstorms were detected on weather radar near Gisborne and Melton. These thunderstorms are moving towards the southeast. Very dangerous thunderstorms are forecast to affect Footscray, St Albans, Sunbury and Werribee by 2:25 pm and Caulfield, Craigieburn, Glen Waverley, Greensborough, Melbourne City and Preston by 2:55 pm.


I love the storms.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sometimes it's just like...