Saturday, July 17, 2010


For those who visit there are new things on my sidebar that need some explanation. Sam who knits hats for the poor has inspired me to do more for the poor than just donate my funds. So I've decided to knit scarves for the poor. My plan is to have 20 scarves knitted by winter next year. So far I have one.

Some people may say that 20 isn't very many.

I say, "Have you seen how bad/slow/demented I am at knitting? Seriously, I suck. Twenty is quite ambitious of me."

So on the sidebar there is a countdown of how long until the scarves are due. There is also a counter of how many scarves I've knitted. It has a chick on it, in reference to the person I like *grin*

Anyways, that's it for now folks.

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