Sunday, May 16, 2010

Delayed wedding photos

Sorry for not uploading sooner. I am a sick and busy thing. Here are some photos. As you can tell, I'm not very good with my camera, especially for indoor portraits. Here are a select few photos from the wedding, not chosen because of their quality but because of the people in them. Hopefully some of the nicer pics will make it to Kallie's art page.

Jocelyn the pretty.

The elegant ladies, Amy and Anna.

The bride and groom and friends, Anton and Chiann.

The devious ones. They are up to no good. You can just tell. I have nicer photos of Sam floating around. They will feature later.

My favourite. The cute little Stephen. Looking cute and smart. At a tram stop.

1 comment:

Sam-Is-Mad said...

I do look up to no good.

That's probably because I am.

Watch out (certain) boys!