Friday, September 4, 2009

Said He doesn't remember anything about a wall

God has been pretty good to me lately, so I need to share it! Okay, here we go:

1. It's okay to be forgetful when your Father in heaven remembers. I accidentally brought home a certain set of keys that I think cost about $10,000 to replace. I intended to return them, but forget. Last night I remembered because I needed them today. I searched through my bag BUT THEY WERE GONE! I freaked out. Ten grand worth of keys is a lot to misplace. Sam helped me go through my bag again. I then said something like, "Dear God, please let me find them". For some reason my fuzzy snotty (I have a cold) mind went instantly to "it's in your laptop case. You were going to take it to work" and there it was. YAY!

2. Today I was finishing setting up my painful experiment of doom. Two Fridays ago I got rained on, hailed on, covered in leeches and I think I had hypothermia. Today the weather was pleasant. It started getting cloudy towards midday, and praise God! It didn't rain or hail until we were in the car and on the way back to uni!

3. Without going into details, I thought past issues with my family had caused me to have a twisted mindset with regards to something in particular. It was reaching the point where I kept condemning myself for something which logically and even morally speaking is completely fine. I then recently discovered that this twisted mindset was not due to my family, but due to improper teaching by the church, which they have now apparently rectified (and yet failed to tell anyone so people still believing what was once taught will feel just as self-condemning and just as much a failure as me). This means that it is a more short-term (rather than long-term) mindset I need to readjust (which is easier), and it is not my screwed up family's fault! It makes it easier to bear, the self-condemnation makes more sense in this context (it was hard to understand why my family's issues would make me feel this way), and it has given me greater insight into why I seem to be on a different page to others. Yay! Thank you God for somehow letting me know the truth.

4. I thought I just lost my phone. I thought I left it on the bus. God prompted me to check my pocket, even though I couldn't feel anything in my pocket. It was in my pocket. X.x hehe, my brain is gone.

5. Our experiments haven't floated over the weir, or flooded. Pray they won't burn! It's meant to be a harsh fire season this year.

God is so good to me.

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