Monday, March 16, 2009

Poetry and pictures on public transport

Today I was travelling to Flinders Street, because that's where teenagers like to hang out. On the train I experienced the awful horror that is "trying to make train travel more cultural by displaying awful artworks". The poems are generally awful, especially any by so-called "poets". The haikus all follow a similar structure of "placing the poem or stating an object/a line describing an action/random supposedly meaningful last line". It's all pretentious and terrible.

Oh, and then there's the children's artwork. This basically consists of an evil looking portrait similar to:

This is followed by the child's age, the title of the picture and Theme: innocence.
Innocence? How is drawing someone who is clearly deranged, dangerous and possibly possessed related to innocence? And then I realised this actually gave new meaning to innocence.

So now,

Innocence: (n) The drawing of something ugly and evil without knowing that it is ugly and evil.

Melbourne's public transport art gives me nightmares.


Sam-Is-Mad said...

Desperado, you are awesome.

Desperado said...

So are you, Sam!

And Juanita is pretty ;)

Maybe you should teach me swing dance, Sam, so I can impress her!

Anonymous said...

Gracias Desperado.
I would love to be your friend over the internet. And I would love to learn swing dancing. Maybe we could learn together =)
Before we become good friends though I think I should tell you that I am not like other girls. All they seem to do is talk and giggle all the time. If you like that kind of thing then I don't know if we can be friends. My most favourite thing to do is read. I read every day. DO you like to read? My favourite books are the Biggle books. They are so exciting!! Have you heard of them?
Anyway I had better go. I look forward to your next post. =)