Oh, and then there's the children's artwork. This basically consists of an evil looking portrait similar to:

This is followed by the child's age, the title of the picture and Theme: innocence.
Innocence? How is drawing someone who is clearly deranged, dangerous and possibly possessed related to innocence? And then I realised this actually gave new meaning to innocence.
So now,
Innocence: (n) The drawing of something ugly and evil without knowing that it is ugly and evil.
Melbourne's public transport art gives me nightmares.
Desperado, you are awesome.
So are you, Sam!
And Juanita is pretty ;)
Maybe you should teach me swing dance, Sam, so I can impress her!
Gracias Desperado.
I would love to be your friend over the internet. And I would love to learn swing dancing. Maybe we could learn together =)
Before we become good friends though I think I should tell you that I am not like other girls. All they seem to do is talk and giggle all the time. If you like that kind of thing then I don't know if we can be friends. My most favourite thing to do is read. I read every day. DO you like to read? My favourite books are the Biggle books. They are so exciting!! Have you heard of them?
Anyway I had better go. I look forward to your next post. =)
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