Monday, June 8, 2009

Desperado loves heaters

Our heater works! Yay! And just in time for a really cold week of 13 degree weather!

Sure, it smells like it's leaking gas, but that doesn't matter!


Here are some of my educated thoughts on heaters:

a. One of my favourite things about heaters is when you stand really close to them, so close that it feels almost like you're burning.

b. Column heaters are fairly useless. Especially if you're trying to heat a large room.

c. Radiant heaters kind of scare me. They seem like they'd catch other things alight easily. Things such as my tail.

d. I'm not sure what type of heater it is, but whatever heats Kallie's office at work is useless. On the other hand, whatever heats the lab works too well, which she likes, but other people hate.

I have had a stressful day, and now I feel much better after rambling about heaters. Yay!

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