Friday, May 28, 2010

My newest entertainment

There's this cool little button, at the top of the blog, that says, "Next blog". So you click it and it takes you to someone else's blog. It's really fun! I'm serious. And it seems to pick the next blog based on common tags with the blog you're currently on. Here are some cool things I have noticed:

a. Clicking "Next blog" from my blog or Sam's usually leads to a mass of Christian family blogs (this makes sense coming from Sam's blog... but mine?). Eventually the Christian family blogs peter out into just family blogs, then to crafty blogs and then to some seemingly random blog theme (like outdoor adventures).

b. Once, the theme went from Christian family blogs (x lots), to family blogs (x many), to Spanish blogs (x 3ish) to Spanish football blogs (x 1 million... I got bored and quit long before the theme changed).

c. Both Christian and non-Christian families alike tend to have a son called Cooper.

d. Cooper usually has a brother called Jack.

e. If I have kids I will not be calling them Cooper or Jack. I'm not sure if I'll even start a blog for them (kids should make their own blogs, I say! Slackers).

f. A lot of family blogs have a countdown for when the next baby is due. This freaks me out, because the countdown looks like some alien floating in the vacuum of space. I think it's meant to be the baby. But it's not cute. Embryos are cute.

Cute embryo.

Aliens floating in the vacuum of space are... how to put this delicately... freaky (sorry Sam, I know you want one of these).

People should make a baby countdown with something cute in it, like embryos, or puppies, or maybe your husband... you know. Cute stuff. Not the Alien.

ANYWAY, it's fun to look at people's blogs. It's kind of relaxing, and it's a good substitute for actually updating your own blog. I'm off to click that favourite little button... hee!

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